The use of advanced displacement sensor to replace the traditional recording drum, so that the graphics rendering is more accurate, simple, peace of mind.
According to the requirements of the national standard of automatic temperature control, and real-time display of temperature, heating rate, control the working time and the current opening automatic drawing of temperature versus time curve.
Automatic drawing of two coal samples expansion displacement versus time curve automatically calculates the softening temperature (T1), began the expansion temperature (T2), curing temperature (T3), maximum contraction (a), the greatest degree of expansion (b)
Automatically save each test data, can query, print coal swelling curves and analysis report.
Tester is an important index for determination of adhesion characterization of bituminous coal special instrument of expansion expansion of the AP-8 microcomputer oahu. The experiment of testing the plasticity and cohesiveness of coal by testing the maximum shrinkage A and the maximum expansion degree B of coal.